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Interaction and UX Design
Digital products, apps, software, case studies, design systems and more
Final project presented at the Faculty of Design of the Universidad del Desarrollo to opt for the Professional Degree of Interaction...
Project along with @Renata Vásquez and @Raimundo RufÃn RIPE Labs is a blog for network operators, developers, researchers and industry...
Project for Henley, a Business Intelligence company. You can visit Henley at Founded in 1998 with the aim of facilitating...
Projecte Endèmic: Arte, Ciencia y Participación Ciudadana
Project for LICHEN and ISGlobal Instituto de Salud Global, Barcelona With the support of Ayuntamiento de Barcelona You can visit Endèmic...
Texturas & Co
E-commerce for wallpaper shop Textura&Co. We identified points on how to scale their digital prescence.
Decidim Barcelona Redesign
Decidim.Barcelona platform is a participatory democracy tool that allows the citizens of Barcelona to participate in the future of their...
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