EvermeetFinal project presented at the Faculty of Design of the Universidad del Desarrollo to opt for the Professional Degree of Interaction...
RIPE LabsProject along with @Renata Vásquez and @Raimundo Rufín RIPE Labs is a blog for network operators, developers, researchers and industry...
HenleyProject for Henley, a Business Intelligence company. You can visit Henley at www.henley.cl Founded in 1998 with the aim of facilitating...
Projecte Endèmic: Arte, Ciencia y Participación CiudadanaProject for LICHEN and ISGlobal Instituto de Salud Global, Barcelona With the support of Ayuntamiento de Barcelona You can visit Endèmic...
Texturas & CoE-commerce for wallpaper shop Textura&Co. We identified points on how to scale their digital prescence.
Decidim Barcelona RedesignDecidim.Barcelona platform is a participatory democracy tool that allows the citizens of Barcelona to participate in the future of their...