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Product Design and Concepts
Objects, industrial design, spatial design, conceptualization, and more...
Final project presented at the Faculty of Design of the Universidad del Desarrollo to opt for the Professional Degree of Interaction...
Mapit: Volvamos a jugar!
Mapit is an interactive board capable of bringing together 2 children at a distance, to play, learn and communicate in real time!
Honey Beats
MIDI Controlled Synthesizer, 100% 3D printed functioning prototype. Programmed in Arduino and Processing, Minim Library.
Phil · An overly emotional assistant Objetos Conectados · Diseño UDD Profesor GuÃa: Alejandro Pantoja Equipo: Sebastián Camacho, Paula...
Spür: a wearable therapy involving sound. Spür started as a school project at Universidad del Desarrollo (Santiago, Chile) pursuing to...
Supernova Lamp
Paula Cepeda - Alfredo Varela Prototipado UDD Profesor: Nicolás Parraguez We had the assignment of creating a lamp made out of laser cut...
Stereometric Stool
Iron + wood
Tactile Tiles for the blind, meant to give the user sense of direction and movement. Concrete and metal wire grid.
EDEN Crops
EDEN is a smart solution that aims to include vegetables farming into homes. Studying Vertical Famrs concepts and referents, we wanted to...
ReDiseño Cotidiano
In 2017, Semana D's theme was to "ReDesign Trash": the task was to find a way of using the scraps and waste of our guide profesor and...
The assignment consisted on creating a typographies out of modular shapes. The first typography was constructed by squares only. Then we...
Invasión-D fue mi examen de Taller I de Diseño, junto a Alfredo Varela. Para éste, debÃamos representarnos en un animal (serpiente y...
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